It’s certainly seems that for most women, as they get older, there is a tendency to gain weight. And as Susan’s story tells us, it often becomes harder to lose weight, even with methods that used to work.
While we may be inclined to blame it all on menopause, there are really three factors at work:
1. Slowing metabolism.
As we age, our metabolisms slow. This means that we require less food as we get older. In fact, a woman in her fifties may require 400 fewer calories than a woman in her twenties. This means over time, even if your diet remains unchanged, you may still gain weight.
2. Menopause (but not the way you think)
Contrary to popular belief, menopause doesn’t cause weight gain. But what it does do is cause a change in body shape. Most women, before menopause, carry most of their fat in their hips and thighs. After menopause the distribution of fat changes so that more is stored in the abdomen.
This is why many women going through menopause complain of the waist of their trousers getting tighter or needing to move up a notch or two on their belt. For some women who have come to see me, the final straw has been their favorite jeans no longer fitting.
3. Creeping bad habits
Over time, it’s easy for bad habits to creep in. Lots of small changes in daily calorie intake (e.g. an extra cookie at morning tea every morning or slightly larger servings at lunch and dinner) can have a large effect over time.
These three factors can be all it takes to cause significant weight gain even in someone who was previously slim. But the good news is that you don’t have to sit back and be a spectator to these changes.
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